Bulletin No 25 to all IRSE Members |
1 June 2014 |
IRSE NEWS 201 : June 2014 |
A printed copy has been posted to all members except those who have opted for e-membership. All members can access the current issue of IRSE NEWS by logging in to the main web-site in the Knowledge/IRSE NEWS/Recent issues at
http://www.irse.org/knowledge/members/irsenewsrecent.aspx. |
Surplus copies of IRSE Proceedings and some early text books |
Following a review of our library contents, a number of printed copies of older and some more modern Proceedings have been identified as being surplus to requirements. In addition there are some duplicates of some of the text books kept in the Institutions own library. These surplus copies of both the proceedings and the text books are being offered to members free of charge. However, you will either need to arrange collection from the HQ office in London or pay postage and packing at cost. |
The list of publications available is at http://www.irse.org/knowledge/members/irseproceedingsrecent.aspx, in the “Other Information” area at the right of the page. To obtain copies, email a request to hq@irse.org putting “surplus copies” in the email title. |
New Signalling Text Book: Railway Signalling & Control (The IRSE Yellow Book) |
This new text book which supplements and updates the existing Red and Green text books has just been published and is available in hardback and softback form at a special price £40 and £35 respectively (+P&P) to members. Further details of the contents and how to order can be obtained from http://www.irse.org/public/itemsforsale.aspx. |
IRSE Professional Examination: Closing date for applications, 30 June 2014. |
You have to apply on-line to take the examination, and you can do this from the members area of the web-site here:http://www.irse.org/membership/members/irseexamapplication.aspx. |
IRSE 16th Members Luncheon: Wednesday, 18 June 2014 at the Union Jack Club, London |
This annual event is for members only. Full details and booking information is available here:
Web Viewing of London Technical Papers |
Members are reminded that videos of most of the technical meetings held in London can be viewed about 10 days after the event at http://www.irse.org/knowledge/members/webcastsrecent.aspx. The last meeting to be uploaded was the AGM and incoming President’s Address Technical in London on 25 April 2014. |
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