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IRSE Exam Study Group
Dear IRSE Exam Study Group Leaders, Local Section Chairs, Local Section Secretaries and others who support the IRSE professional exam,
You are probably aware of proposed changes to the structure of the IRSE Professional Examination. Articles have appeared in the IRSE December 2018 e-bulletin and in the February 2019 issue of IRSE News. I also explained the proposals at this year's Examination Forum (detailed along with the videos of the event on the IRSE Exam Support Resources page.
This will be the first change to the structure of the exam in 25 years and it is intended to address changes over that time in technology, industry structure and the means of testing knowledge and judgement.
The most radical change is the introduction of a new module set at a lower level to test breadth (rather than depth) of knowledge. Education and Professional Development Committee's vision is to attract entries for this exam from a much wider range of people working on and around signalling and communications systems. One objective would be to encourage project colleagues and others to acquire a wider knowledge of the fundamental principles underlying our profession. Use of computer based testing would enable this ambition to be delivered without an increase in the number, or workload, of volunteer examiners.
The remaining 3 new modules will remain at the advanced level of the current exam with the overall syllabus content almost unchanged. It is likely that the new modules will be introduced in 2021, though IRSE Council could decide on implementation in 2020. A paper is being taken to Council for their meeting on 26th April for their "Go / No Go" decision.
I attach a number of slides outlining the changes.  if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Hedley Calderbank (hedleyc@outlook.com ) who is leading the implementation on behalf of Education and Professional Development Committee.  If you can identify what additional information you require to assist in the preparation of students for the proposed exam, on top of the sample questions / answers which are being prepared and the study guides which will be updated in the near future, please let myself and Hedley know.


Judith Ward BEng(Hons), CEng, MIRSE, MIET
Professional Development Manager, IRSE

Institution of Railway Signal Engineers
4th Floor, 1 Birdcage Walk
London SW1H 9JJ UK
+44 (0)20 7808 1180
Direct Line: +(0)20 7808 1198
Email: Judith.ward@irse.org OR pd@irse.org
Webpage: www.irse.org

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