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Bulletin No 49 to all IRSE members
July 2016

IRSE NEWS July edition

The latest edition of IRSE NEWS has been published and can be accessed on line – click here to view or download it (you will need to log in).  This edition includes the following articles and papers:

  • Signalling Principles of Australian Rail Track Corporation
  • Re-thinking switches to boost reliability
  • Report on the Systems Engineering Seminar

Beijing Convention 2016 - hotel accommodation update

If you havent booked your place on the Beijing Convention then you should do so without delay. The Convention hotels have been holding rooms for us, but we are very close to the point where we will have to release them for use by other hotel guests, which would mean that you are unable to stay in the designated hotels if they become fully booked.

The programme and booking forms can be downloaded from the IRSE website – click here to do so.  There is also a dedicated Convention webpage on the website to keep you up to date with advice and information about the event (including the latest information about applying for a visa).  You can also read more about the Convention and what Beijing is like as a place to visit in this month’s IRSE NEWS.

Thailand Section : Inaugural Ceremony 27 July

The inaugural ceremony for the opening of the new Thailand Section of the IRSE will take place on 27th July, at the Kasetsart University, Bangkok.  Charles Page, our President, will be present for the event.  Our congratulations to all those who have worked to bring about the formation of this, our newest IRSE Section.

Click here for more details of the event

Membership renewal

A reminder that you should by now have received a reminder to pay your IRSE membership fee for 2016/17 (unless you pay by direct debit, or your subscription is paid by your employer, or by payroll deduction). Please make your renewal payment without delay, if you have not already done so.

IRSE website: member survey

We are beginning to plan for a radical overhaul of the IRSE website, and as part of the process we are seeking the views of members on the existing website.  Please would you take 10 minutes of your time to complete the online survey so that we have a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the present arrangements.  The survey can be found at:


Membership and Licensing Database

During the summer we will be implementing our new membership and licensing database. This will replace the existing system, and should in the longer term provide us with improved functionality. We are planning for a smooth changeover during August and early September, but please bear with us during the change, which will involve staff undertaking training as well as commissioning the new system itself.

Knowledge Base : pilot

We are piloting a new “Knowledge Base” for IRSE members.  This is a database containing abstracts of technical papers produced by the IRSE, with links to the actual papers.  At present it contains papers published in IRSE NEWS in 2014, 2015 and 2016, and the majority of papers presented at ASPECT 2015.  The intention is to expand the collection to include earlier papers, papers published at other IRSE events and by Local Sections.  We also want to include important non-IRSE papers that are available on the web.

The database is fully searchable, and papers are categorised into themes (“interlockings”, “safety and security” etc) so that papers on a common theme can be readily found. 

The Knowledge Base is accessible via the IRSE website.  To do so, log-in on the IRSE website, select the “Knowledge” tab, navigate to the “Knowledge Base” page, and click on the link on that page.  You do not need an additional password to get into the system. Note that you cannot access the Knowledge Base page unless you log-in on the IRSE website first.

The Knowledge Base has been tested with current versions of the following browsers: Internet Explorer; Microsoft Edge; Firefox; Chrome; Opera; Safari.

We are keen to receive your feedback on this pilot system, to understand how useful it will be for you, how easy you find it to use, and problems you encounter, and your suggestions for improvements.  Feedback should be sent to Francis How.

Presidential Programme online

The 2016-17 Presidential Programme of Technical Papers is now in the Calendar on the IRSE website (under the “Events” tab).  Here is a summary of the meetings:

  • 29 September: Chinese Signalling (being presented in Hong Kong)
  • 9 November: Asset Management (being presented in London)
  • 6 December: East Rail CBTC Migration (being presented in London)
  • 10 January 2017: Low cost signalling (being presented in London)
  • 8 February 2017: Automatic Data Validation (being presented in London)
  • 14 March 2017: ERTMS Level 3 (being presented in London)

The following items will be of interest principally to members in Europe (including the UK):

Minor Railways Section: Signalling Maintenance Workshop 3rd-4th September

The Minor Railways Section will be holding a technical workshop at Signet Solutions Ltd in Derby, on the 3rd and 4th September.  This workshop follows on from the previous successful workshops held by the Section since 2010 and is open to and aimed at individuals involved with signalling maintenance in the minor railways sector. 

Click here for more details.

Access to IET Library in London

We are piloting a new “Knowledge Base” for IRSE members.  This is a database containing abstracts of technical papers produced by the IRSE, with links to the actual papers.  At present it contains papers published in IRSE NEWS in 2014, 2015 and 2016, and the majority of papers presented at ASPECT 2015.  The intention is to expand the collection to include earlier papers, papers published at other IRSE events and by Local Sections.  We also want to incluA reminder that IRSE members have access to the Institution of Engineering and Technology’s Library at Savoy Place in London, and are entitled to borrow books from it.  This applies whether or not you are an IET member.  Click here for more information.

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