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November 2015

IRSE NEWS – November edition
The October IRSE NEWS has been published and can be accessed on line – click here to view/download it (you will need to log in).  As well as industry news, IRSE event information, local Section news, letters, etc, this edition includes the following articles and papers:
  • Second Technical Paper in the Presidential Programme 2015-15 (see below)
  • ERTMS – a reality check, by Clive Kessell
  • International Technical Committee paper: Data redundancy and intelligent verification in the context of signalling and train control, by Eddie Goddard and Alan Rumsey
  • ASPECT 2015 report

Second Technical Paper in Presidential Programme 2015-16 : Birmingham (UK) 11 November

The second Technical Meeting in our Presidential Programme series for 2015-16 takes place on 11th November. At each meeting a paper will be presented by an author at the invitation of our President, Andrew Simmons, as part of this year’s overall theme “Preparing for the Data Driven Railway”.

The November paper is by Professor Clive Roberts and Dr John Easton of the University of Birmingham (UK), on the subject of “Next Generation Railway Information Systems and their Impact on Railway Signalling and Control”. The research presented in this paper considers whether or not the promising findings of research projects such as InteGRail into the topics of ontology and linked open data could be translated into tangible benefits for the industry, in particular by acting as an integration layer allowing the industry to “develop applications once” and as a means of accessing linked data from a range of data resources in response to disturbed operational scenarios.

The meeting takes place on Wednesday 11th November at the IET Conference Centre at Austin Court, Birmingham (click here for venue location information; note the venue is NOT in London).  The meeting commences at 18.30 (refreshments from 18.00) – slightly later than usual. More details can be found on the IRSE website – click here for details.

Seminar : Train Control Signalling Technology Solutions: Bandung, Indonesia 26 November

The Indonesian Section of the IRSE is running a one day seminar on the theme of “Urban Transport Technology” in Bandung, Indonesia, on Thursday 26th November. Click here for more details of the event, including the programme.

If you are interested in attending, please email irse.indonesia@yahoo.co.id.

4th Annual Toronto Conference : Toronto, Canada 4 December 2015

The IRSE’s North American Section is holding its 4th Annual Toronto Conference on 4th December.  The conference has become an annual fixture, featuring short topical presentations in the field of Train Control, Command and Radio Communication. This year the conference has the theme of “Smart Signalling Applications for Railway and Transit”.  Click here to see the details on the IRSE main website, or go to www.irse.ca for more information about the venue etc.

Do We Need Systems Engineering Processes for Signalling Projects? : Singapore - 8 December

Dr Sam Chan of the Land Transport Authority will be presenting a paper to the IRSE Singapore Section on 8th December, titled “Do We Need Systems Engineering Process for Signalling Projects?”  Click here for more details.

IRSE Annual Examination : Encouraging employers to support members in taking the Exam

Despite record numbers of people all around the world taking the IRSE Exam this year (270, taking 471 modules), employers do not always appreciate just how useful it is in helping with the professional development of their engineers.  So we have produced a short information sheet which explains the purpose of the exam, how it is structured, and how provides benefits to both employers and employees.  The information sheet is on the “Exam” page of the IRSE website, which can be found under the “Membership” tab.

If you are wanting to take the Exam next year, or you want your employer to support you and others in your company in preparing for the Exam, you might find this information sheet is of use to you in making the case. Please bring it to the attention of your managers and directors.

ASPECT 2015 Papers and Presentations

The papers and presentations from the ASPECT 2015 Conference are now available on the IRSE website under the “Knowledge” tab – or click here to go straight to the relevant page (you will need to log in).

Annual Proceedings

For those of you who have opted to receive it as part of your mailing from the IRSE, you should receive a copy of the Proceedings of the Institution (2014-15) in November.

IRSE Certificated Training Courses

In response to requests from members and training organisations, the IRSE now offers an arrangement for courses to be certified by the IRSE and listed on the IRSE website.  At present the list of certificated courses is very short, but we intend to certificate more courses in the near future.  If you are looking for training courses, the IRSE website is one place to look – and if your organisation offers signalling and telecommunications training courses, then you may wish to consider seeking certification for them.

Information about training courses can be found under the “Knowledge” tab on the IRSE website, or you can click here.

Code of Professional Conduct

All IRSE members are required to abide by the Institution’s Code of Professional Conduct.  The Code has recently been updated to reflect latest good practice.  The revised version is available on the IRSE website by clicking on the “About” tab, or you can click here to view it directly.  If you have not read the Code recently, perhaps now is a good time to do so, to remind yourself of your responsibilities. 

The following news items will be of interest principally to members in Europe (including the UK):

Scottish Section Technical Meeting and Dinner : Glasgow, UK 12 November

Almost too late to book, but the ever popular Scottish Section Annual Dinner takes place on 12th November in Glasgow, and is preceded by a Technical Paper to be presented by Patrick Bossert of Network Rail. If you want to make a last minute booking, please contact the Events Co-ordinator Peter Allan (peter.allan@siemens.com). Click here for more information.

Swiss Section Technical Visit: Lausanne, Switzerland 13 November

The IRSE Swiss Section has arranged a technical visit to the interlocking and signal box of the shunting yard at Lausanne on 13 November.  Click here for more details.

Plymouth Section (UK) : Change of date for November meeting

The Plymouth (UK) Local Section meeting that was due to take place on 19th November is now re-scheduled for the 18th November.  Hitachi Information Control System (Europe) will leading a Railway Simulation Workshop, including a presentation and an interactive demonstration.  The meeting starts at 17.30, and will take place in Plymouth.  Click here for more details. 

1st Annual Dinner of the Irish Section : Dublin, Ireland 20 November

The 1st Annual IRSE Irish Section Dinner will take place on 20 November in Dublin, following the 2015 AGM.  There is a reception at 19.30, followed by dinner.  The guest speaker is a member of the European Parliament.  The event is not only for members but partners and other interested guests. It is hoped that as many members as possible, from younger to older, will attend, as this is a great way of networking and meeting up with current and new colleagues in a social setting.  Numbers are limited and booking is essential.  Click here for more details.

Younger Members Section Annual Seminar & Technical Visit : Swindon, UK 3-4 December 2015

The IRSE Younger Members’ section and our sponsors are pleased to announce that the 2015 Seminar will be held at STEAM Museum in Swindon on Thursday the 3rd of December. The seminar will be followed by a technical visit to Siemens Rail Automation in Chippenham on Friday the 4th of December

In the UK both Network Rail and London Underground are currently undergoing major signalling upgrade programmes to modernise the rail infrastructure by bringing their networks into the ‘Digital Age’. The signalling and control systems being introduced as part of these programmes differ significantly from traditional systems. They utilise modern communication networks, have a variety of interfaces and require careful thought with regard to migration and integration with existing systems. The result is a variety of challenges in relation to security, complexity and reliability. We are delighted to welcome speakers from Atkins, Great Western Railway, Interfleet, Siemens and TfL to share their experiences in facing these challenges with you.  Click here for more details.

Third Technical Paper in Presidential Programme 2015-16 : London 8 December

The third Technical Meeting in our Presidential Programme series for 2015-16 takes place on Tuesday 8th December at the IET building, Savoy Hill, London.  Peter Duggan of Siemens Rail Automation and Arne Boralv of Prover Technology AB will be presenting their paper on “Mathematical Proof in an Automated Environment for Railway Interlockings”.  The meeting will commence at 18.00.  Click here for more details.

Code of Practice : Guidance on Whistleblowing

The UK Engineering Council has produced a Guidance Note for engineers and technicians when confronted with a potential whistleblowing situation.  It sets out the processes that engineers and technicians should follow, and where to get advice.  Click here to view/download the guidance.

IET Presidential Address

IRSE members in the UK who are also members of the Institution of Engineering and Technology may be interested in hearing the incoming President of the IET, Naomi Climer, give her Presidential Address on 11th November.  She is the first ever female President of the IET.  Click here for more details.

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