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Bulletin No 40 to all IRSE members
6 October 2015

IRSE NEWS – October edition
The October IRSE NEWS has been published and can be accessed on line – click here to view it (you will need to login to view it). As well as industry news, IRSE event information, local Section news, letters, etc, this edition includes the following articles and papers
  • First Presidential Programme Paper for 2015-16 – “Banedanmark Resignalling with ETCS”
  • Reports on the Brisbane Convention 2015
  • Train Detection for the 21st Century
  • Understanding Safety Integrity Levels

First Technical Paper in Presidential Programme 2015-16 : London 6 October 2015

The first Technical Meeting in our Presidential Programme series for 2015-16 takes place on 6th October.  At each meeting a paper will be presented by an author at the invitation of our President, Andrew Simmons, as part of this year’s overall theme “Preparing for the Data Driven Railway”.

The first paper is by Morten Sřndergaard (Programme Director, Banedanmark), titled “Banedanmark Resignalling with ETCS”.  The Danish parliament has instigated the Replacement of all signalling on the entire Denmark railway network with ERTMS by the end of 2021, and of all signalling on the Copenhagen S-bane with CBTC by 2018.  The paper describes this ambitious programme and the challenges to be faced.

The meeting takes place on Tuesday 6th October at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1 Birdcage Walk, London (UK), commencing at 18.00 (refreshments from 17.30). More details can be found on the IRSE website – click here for details.  The paper will also be published in IRSE NEWS and will be available as a webcast on the IRSE website. 

NOTE:  The second Technical Meeting in the Presidential Programme series takes place on Wednesday 11th November in Birmingham (UK). Details can be found elsewhere in this e-bulletin.

Technical Meeting : Capacity Growth in Transport Infrastructure: Sydney 22 – 24 October

Titled “Capacity Growth in Transport Infrastructure”, the Sydney Technical Meeting brings you a varied choice of papers on this theme, from experienced practitioners. The papers cover the latest trends in Railway Signalling by expanding on ETCS, CBTC, ATR, ATO and Axle Counters.

22nd October: Level Crossing Seminar

23rd October Technical meeting and Conference Dinner

24th October: Site Visits: Sydney Inner West Light Rail Extension and Port Botany.

Click here for more information and booking details.

Technical Seminar : Urban Transport Technology : Bandung, Indonesia 26 November 2016

The Indonesian Section of the IRSE is running a one day seminar on the theme of “Urban Transport Technology” in Bandung, Indonesia, on Thursday 26th November. Technical Visits are being arranged for Friday 27th November.

More details will follow, but in the meantime if you are interested in attending, please email irse.indonesia@yahoo.co.id.

The following news items will be of interest principally to members in Europe (including the UK):

ERTMS Seminar: Integration of Train Control & Rolling Stock Systems : London 13 October

The IRSE is supporting the Institution of Mechanical Engineer’s one day seminar on ERTMS, taking place in London on 13th October.  This seminar will explore what is being done in the UK to manage the introduction of ERTMS, providing insight not only into the technical challenges but also the impact on rolling stock, the effects on business programmes and operations, and on the competence requirements for the design, implementation, operation and maintenance of ERTMS.

Click here for more information, the full programme and the booking form (IRSE members receive a substantial discount on the full rate).

EULYNX Technical Visit : 6-7 November Braunschweig, Germany

By courtesy of Siemens and Bombardier, and with the support of DLR (German Aerospace Centre), on 6-7 November the IRSE has arranged a technical visit and presentations about DB Netz AG’s NeuPro project and its relationship to EULYNX (eulynx.eu), the “European Initiative Linking Interlocking Subsystems” project.  The EULYNX project is being led by a number of Infrastructure Managers (including Network Rail in the UK), and has a primary objective of standardising the interfaces between interlockings and with other sub-systems.  The event also includes a visit the “interlocking to interlocking” trial site.

The event is based at Braunschweig in Germany. Click here for more information about times, travel, hotels and booking details.  The sponsors, Siemens and Bombardier, are kindly providing lunch at 12.30 on Friday  6th before the event starts, and dinner is provided on the evening of the same day.

Please note this is event takes place immediately after the Signal & Draht congress being held on 5th and 6th November in Fulda, Germany, which members may also be interested in attending.

Minor Railways Section : Biennial Technical Seminar : Kidderminster (UK) 7 November

The fifth technical seminar of the IRSE Minor Railways Section will be held at the Kidderminster Railway Museum in Worcestershire (UK) on 7th September. This meeting will be a continuation of the successful events held bi-annually since 2009, the theme this year is “Projects”, concentrating on the management and implementation of projects on Minor Railways. Papers this year include submissions from mainland Europe.  Also at the Seminar this year will be the presentation of this year’s award of the Section’s “Minor Railway Volunteer S & T Technician of the Year”.

The meeting will be free to attend, but is limited to 100 persons, so advance booking is essential. Click here for more information and booking details.

Second Technical Paper in Presidential Programme 2015-16 : Birmingham, UK 11 November

The second Technical Meeting in our Presidential Programme series for 2015-16 takes place on Wednesday 11th November at the IET’s Conference Centre at Austin Court, Birmingham.  Clive Roberts will be presenting his paper on “Data Structures”. 

Clive is the Professor of Railway Systems and Director of the Centre for Railway Research and Education at the University of Birmingham.  The meeting starts at 18.00, with refreshments available from 17.30.  Click here for details.

Swiss Section Techical Visit: Lausanne 13 November
The IRSE Swiss Section is arranging a technical visit to the interlocking and Signal Box of the shunting yard at Lausanne Triage on 13 November.  More details to follow.
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